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  2011年10月会计电算化的考试时间定于10月27日下午2:00举行,具体的考试时间以准考证上的通知为准。考试地点:成都市一环路北四段108号成都工业学校图书馆二楼机房(梁家巷路口与马鞍路口之间),准考证发放时间是10月24日-26日,准考证领取地址:成都市科华北路57号川大科技大厦南楼八楼大地计算机学校办公室,咨询:85484801,85484802。为了能顺利通过考试,请考生认真做好考前准备:仔细复习考试资料,并登录电算化模拟考试系统www.dadi518.com/ks 进行测试。-四川大地计算机学校,2011-10-18

姓名 性别 学历 身份证号 模拟准考证号 考试级别
陈爱萍 大专 5130211988****6785 2255A0554009002522 中级电算化考试
张晓茜 本科 5104211983****0022 2255A0554009002423 中级电算化考试
何玉巧 本科 5108221985****7115 2255A0554009002521 中级电算化考试
葛师梅 初中 5101321983****7528 2255A0554009002519 中级电算化考试
倪晓燕 高中 5101321984****0023 2255A0554009002518 中级电算化考试
蔡念伶 本科 5101051988****0027 2255A0554009002517 中级电算化考试
陈巧玲 大专 5101821987****4024 2255A0554009002516 中级电算化考试
张艺凡 大专 5108231988****6743 2255A0554009002515 中级电算化考试
李萍 本科 5139021986****732X 2255A0554009002514 中级电算化考试
王琦 大专 5101031966****0329 2255A0554009002513 中级电算化考试
胡军 本科 5101121973****0026 2255A0554009002509 中级电算化考试
梁丽琴 本科 1411271989****0104 2255A0554009002507 中级电算化考试
谭文娟 本科 5002351988****198X 2255A0554009002506 中级电算化考试
鲁江艳 高中 5110231988****3363 2255A0554009002505 中级电算化考试
王 静 大专 5108021989****0022 2255A0554009002504 中级电算化考试
吴梅 大专 5110231990****1763 2255A0554009002503 中级电算化考试
雷蕾 本科 5103041984****3841 2255A0554009002502 中级电算化考试
张家莲 大专 5130211978****6987 2255A0554009002501 中级电算化考试
苏绍琴 本科 5131281988****2825 2255A0554009002499 中级电算化考试
黄邱菊 本科 5106811992****236X 2255A0554009002498 中级电算化考试
包立娟 大专 5130291987****6102 2255A0554009002497 中级电算化考试
冯章林 大专 5101021962****2896 2255A0554009002496 中级电算化考试
周思谦 大专 5111231989****7329 2255A0554009002495 中级电算化考试
雷仙 本科 5111121987****3224 2255A0554009002494 中级电算化考试
王文娟 大专 5111111981****0024 2255A0554009002493 中级电算化考试
李学敏 大专 5115241986****2748 2255A0554009002492 中级电算化考试
林玲 大专 5103211987****1846 2255A0554009002491 中级电算化考试
唐秀华 大专 5106231973****6822 2255A0554009002490 中级电算化考试
田黎 本科 4331011988****0541 2255A0554009002488 中级电算化考试
王覃 本科 6524011975****0547 2255A0554009002487 中级电算化考试
李娅萍 中专 5323011987****0768 2255A0554009002482 中级电算化考试
郑玉梅 大专 5113241988****3066 2255A0554009002480 中级电算化考试
刘艳 大专 5113241989****5720 2255A0554009002479 中级电算化考试
张毅 本科 5130231988****7716 2255A0554009002477 中级电算化考试
赖红 大专 5110111984****2827 2255A0554009002475 中级电算化考试
骆晓燕 中专 5131271989****1429 2255A0554009002474 中级电算化考试
王欣 本科 5116231987****252X 2255A0554009002472 中级电算化考试
董凤梅 高中 5132211988****0923 2255A0554009002470 中级电算化考试
安立红 大专 5134251989****2989 2255A0554009002469 中级电算化考试
和敏 本科 1402021989****0040 2255A0554009002468 中级电算化考试
赵婧 大专 5108121987****2823 2255A0554009002465 中级电算化考试
何艳 高中 5109221988****5402 2255A0554009002464 中级电算化考试
舒明红 大专 5131221978****0629 2255A0554009002463 中级电算化考试
吴燕 高中 5116231988****0229 2255A0554009002462 中级电算化考试
谢娟 本科 5106811981****0324 2255A0554009002461 中级电算化考试
童笑 大专 5103211982****4160 2255A0554009002457 中级电算化考试
郝谢芸 本科 5107811988****3243 2255A0554009002455 中级电算化考试
林竑汐 大专 5101041990****0031 2255A0554009002452 中级电算化考试
吴银琼 大专 5129241977****3942 2255A0554009002451 中级电算化考试
胡晓洪 中专 5101271966****002X 2255A0554009002450 中级电算化考试
李羽春 本科 5109231988****3328 2255A0554009002444 中级电算化考试
张东 中专 5131261994****0025 2255A0554009002443 中级电算化考试
桂欣 本科 5130221984****316X 2255A0554009002442 中级电算化考试
杨琳 大专 5113251989****294X 2255A0554009002441 中级电算化考试
张玉 大专 2302061981****0725 2255A0554009002440 中级电算化考试
衷荣华 大专 3624281978****4148 2255A0554009002439 中级电算化考试
李昕芋 本科 5108211985****0029 2255A0554009002438 中级电算化考试
赵建梅 本科 5103221989****6365 2255A0554009002437 中级电算化考试
申薇薇 大专 4210241989****4043 2255A0554009002435 中级电算化考试
李吉林 大专 5110231987****5070 2255A0554009002433 中级电算化考试
唐治武 大专 5107221968****6584 2255A0554009002429 中级电算化考试
刘守菊 大专 5002361992****5406 2255A0554009002428 中级电算化考试
张娟 本科 6501021987****6524 2255A0554009002426 中级电算化考试
廖春梅 大专 5101131988****1124 2255A0554009002425 中级电算化考试
李汶亭 本科 5101061988****1828 2255A0554009002420 中级电算化考试
张萍 中专 5139221989****3966 2255A0554009002419 中级电算化考试
田琴 大专 5109231984****0020 2255A0554009002411 中级电算化考试
唐桂华 大专 5109231989****6021 2255A0554009002401 中级电算化考试
唐丹 大专 5110111987****6943 2255A0554009002400 中级电算化考试
车晓丹 大专 6105241984****3641 2255A0554009002268 中级电算化考试
钟洋 本科 5139021987****0799 2255A0554009002524 中级电算化考试
杨永芳 大专 5115291982****5221 2255A0554009002445 中级电算化考试
发布时间:2011-10-18 阅读:3558次 来源:四川大地计算机学校
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A few people thrown into the street, japanisabelmarant.com rushed meal fat beat. Of eyes, this pub japanisabelmarant.com out a piece of wood, it is starting to fill up your bones. A burly Han grin cursed, they make up in the face of that horror adventure kick. Uncle Huck. Li Jun Yamaguchi biting a bunch of chicken, asked: how not seen or West to? Him イザベルマラン スニーカー law special carrying a pot of hot dishes, leisurely eating, body magic robe for the early, dressed in burlap commoner to eat the whole day. That kid came yesterday eat MaLaTang, do not know to イザベルマラン 通販 bring me a few strings, let me practice in the house, and the rest that tens of Dayton I eat. Huck Xiaohe said. Good for nothing. Anna jumped out to a groan as they kicked a few steps away, the saliva of the mouth spray Huck look. I said, Huck you something for nothing, or West Mala Tang, but with their イザベルマラン ブーツ own ability to change back, you want to eat and eat www.japanisabelmarant.com ah, afraid of his aging mother not receive the money went to your house moving things. Hack a black line, did not dare to イザベルマラン 店舗 revile blindly back. Hide hide, you're so afraid of his aging mother, afraid I eat you not? Look at you askew virtue. Then, not Jiehen Anna a grasp Huck's ears, pulled イザベルマラン 通販 over to the side of the road. Okay? イザベルマラン 店舗 French special dedicated interest in the safety of the proprietress. Nothing. Li Jun Shan spit chicken, smiled and said: They were both concubine Italian Lang feeling, playing sweet, Huck イザベルマラン ブーツ will not fight back. Moffat's eyes light up, Who says men do better than women gossip, he asked: madame how yesterday chasing find or West for money, since bovine uncle interesting, no money on the line. It was Anna, not someone else. Li Jun Shan Road: money is money, feelings are feelings, no one more than her points clear. Saw Anna and Huck stood on street corners, イザベルマラン スニーカー two voices getting lower and lower, Huck said something I do not know, Anna even failing to twist the bucket waist, the Akira Li Jun Hill feel dizzy, and hastened back to the shop inside. Mr. Moffat, right now, we do not business, I'll take you to go out. Li Jun Shan wash hands greasy, イザベルマラン ブーツ but also the way for a clean clothes. French special natural wish for, busy following them. Two people stroll along the Wind & Fire Town イザベルマラン スニーカー Central Avenue a few times, Li Jun Shan took him to the woods around the edge of the town. Law Mo Buzhun to his idea, japanisabelmarant.com he did not Li イザベルマラン 通販 Jun Shan When children see, will have nothing to ask. Into the woods, www.japanisabelmarant.com looking for a piece of land, Li Jun Shan イザベルマラン スニーカー sitting on the ground, such as the French special sitting over, he was asked: My head is a great place, how is this going? A great place イザベルマラン スニーカー to head? Moffat frowned thinking about for a while and said: You イザベルマラン ブーツ are not talking about spiritual space? Mental space? Li Jun Shan eyes light up, this is really accurate than his own to describe many nodded: It was the spirit of space. How much? Moffat also to the interest. Looked up blankly looked glances around, Li Jun Shan tentatively said: I feel like this town about the same size. What? French special surprise, round eyes wide イザベルマラン 店舗 open, speechless: follow the trend of fire town TXT text cutter 2.30 National Day Special Edition of Gold Eagle, supported by the coffee College Coffee College · www.coffee-read.com coffee novel network, a cup of coffee, reading life, good-looking novel, Hand novel, full-text novel, TXT novel download, coffee College, Mobile to read wap.coffee-read.com